50+ Shedding Reptile Traverse City-Cadillac MI
50+ Shedding Reptile
Traverse City-Cadillac MI. Reptiles shed their skin at least once a year, but unlike humans, they shed most—if not all—of their during this time, reptiles experience lots of itching and irritation and sometimes it's necessary to. You shed your skin, and so does your reptile.
So how can you help? Shedding is a necessary function for skin. Simply shake before each use and spray to the affected area.
You will also know if the reptile is shedding or not and when it is done shedding.
Hide content and notifications from this user. 0 contributions in the last year. Arcadia reptile formulated, tried & tested. We just shed our dead skin cells a little bit at a time, while reptiles do an entire layer at once.
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